Four Interior Design Mistakes You Should Avoid
In the famous word of Einstein, “anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Not to disagree with the greatest mind of all time, but when it comes to interior design, trying anything new is a luxury not many people can afford. After all, correcting an interior design mistake can bleed the pockets dry.
With that in mind, I’m sharing the most common mistakes people make when sprucing up their homes and how you can avoid them.
Being a clutter bug
Little styling touches can make the space look and feel more pleasant… the keyword being ‘little’. You go overboard with the styling details and your space won’t only appear visually shrunken but also sort of messy. Cluttering the home with a whole bunch of accessories is a common interior design mistake. Fortunately, it’s also the mistake that’s easiest to avoid.

When it comes to interior design, less is definitely more. Clean up the clutter by eliminating extra and useless items that don’t belong – too many accessories, a huge number of pillows, too many things on the shelves, artwork hung without a plan. Of course, it will provide you with more living space, but it will also lend the space a clean, mentally soothing environment that you’ll love to live in.
Keeping everything neutral
Paint color schemes are a minefield, but you can’t go wrong with unfussy and classic neutral palettes. Or can you? Neutral paint colors have long been a hot interior design trend, but if you play too safe and go all greige on everything (from the walls to the furnishings to the accessories), you risk making your space… boring! If you want to elevate the aesthetic of your interior space, don’t be afraid to use a few splashes of colors here and there.

Adding a single wall of an accent color, a little greenery, a vibrant array of accessories or a bold artwork can add a real punch to space, even when the rest of the décor is pretty neutral.
Buying the wrong furniture size
Another common mistake is choosing the wrong size of the furniture. Furnishings that are a size too big will impede traffic flow through your space or restrict movement, while those that are a size too small will look like they have simply been thrown at the room without much plan. Either way, your interior space won’t look as appealing and be as functional as you’d have wanted.

Proportion matters! All your furnishings should be the right size and fulfill your needs with regard to form and function. How do you ensure that? By befriending your tape measure, of course! Better to check the measurements rigorously – obsessively – than make wild assumptions, right? Decorating your space with appropriate furnishings that complement your living space will definitely lend your interior space a more pleasant and welcoming ambiance.
Matching Everything
Nothing says, “I have no idea what I’m doing” quite like matching everything. Of course, your interior shouldn’t be a random jumble of mismatched themes… but a little mix and match can go a long way in making your space more comfortable and stylish.

My suggestion is to decorate in layers. Yes, everything should coordinate, but maybe try giving your space a bit of formal air, while also keeping it a little casual. Or how about incorporating design elements that are both classic and contemporary into your space? This ‘mix and match’ will certainly give your interior space personality and dimension that can’t happen if everything looks the same.
What’s the takeaway?
If you can’t tell when something seems off about your interior design, you’ll most certainly make Top 5 mistakes while decorating your home. I hope this blog will help you tell right from wrong and avoid doing anything that can make your space look more cramped and chaotic. Keep in mind that these are only four of the most common interior design mistakes… there are a lot more! If you want me to tackle any other mistake(s), let me know in the comments.
If you want a professional to take care of all your interior design needs, call me at (512) 423 0981 or drop me a mail at today. My team and I will surely help you get an interior space that doesn’t only look and feel great but also has your personality stamp on it.